Lexington’s weather can create conditions perfect for mold growth on the exterior of the home. Our house washing services can correct this problem and restore your home’s natural beauty.
Just like you clean the interior of your home, you need to care for the cleanliness of the outside of your home, as well. Maintaining a clean exterior shows you take pride in your home and helps protect it from major problems. Protect your biggest investment and enjoy a better looking home in the process.
Anyone can rent a power washer, but not everyone knows how to professionally pressure wash a home without damaging their property or getting hurt. If you’re in Lexington or Central Kentucky, contact the highly trained professionals here at BEJA for your house washing needs.
At BEJA, we take advantage of all the latest advances in the cleaning methods to provide an optimal clean without exposing your home unnecessarily to harsh chemicals. Our cleaning process ensures the thorough elimination of mold and algae without damaging your home.
We’ve established a solid reputation in the Lexington area by providing excellent services that are both safe and affordable. WE believe in what we do, and we strive to do it better than anyone else. When you see the difference after we wash your house, we believe you’ll be amazed and delighted with your investment.